Short: Start and Window activation utility Author: (Martin R. Elsner) Uploader: email martin-elsner de (Martin R Elsner) Type: util/wb Version: 1.11 Requires: AmigaOS 3.5 Architecture: m68k-amigaos Kurz: Start- und Windowaktivierungsprogramm Choowin is a little tool comparable to the windows taskbar; it gives a list of current windows on all public screens. If you click on an entry, this window (and its screen if necessary) will be brought to the front and will be activated. That's not all, just with v1.0 you have the possibiliy to enter your programs in the tooltypes that can be started via Workbench. Look into the tooltypes (click on the Choowin icon and select Icon->Information from the Menu), and you will see how to configure your start menu. Choowin uses reaction and therefore requires at least OS3.5 or newer versions. V1.11, 28.10.01: - Added German manual. V1.1, 17.04.01: - changed handling and display of lists: patterns can be used, you can build trees of programs, the window shows all the entries - added the tooltype PATTERN where you can specify your own pattern for the buttons, INNERPATTERN to specify a pattern for the lists - added the tooltype DELAY that determines the time in secs after which the window is automatically closed - added the tooltype ALIGN to decide how the text is aligned in the lists - added the tooltype NOBORDER that makes the window border disappear - added the tooltype ENDGROUP which allows to specify program trees - added manual