Short: MorphOS' first graphical clock Author: Matthias "UltraGelb" Böcker Uploader: aminet aminet net Type: util/time Version: 1.20 Architecture: ppc-morphos Introduction ------------ I was sitting in IRC minding my own business when a guy called Jobbo sent me a skin and wanted me to make a simple digital clock using it. Now here's the result of a whole 2 hours of non-stop work. It's MorphOS's first graphical clock that can handle 12 hour clock without telling you its 04:00pm in the middle of the afternoon, or something. Feel free to use it - or not. Installation ------------ Simply copy ClockToy to some place you like and start it from there. Usage ----- The following arguments work from both Ambient (tooltypes) and CLI. Template: SKIN/K,24HOURCLOCK/S,PRI/K/N,DONOTACTIVATE/S SKIN: Specify the name of a skin to use. Default skin is 'Black' 24HOURCLOCK: Set this if you want to make switch the clock to 24 hour mode. PRI: Specify ClockToy's own task priority. Skins ----- Skins are composed of 5 distinct images and a text file describing the positions of elements used in the clock. The size of the images is not fixed or limited other than by screen dimensions. Images am, pm and background are just plain graphic files without any rules to obey. The mask image defines the shape of the clock where the colour black ($000000) is used for transparency. The font image contains the numbers used for the time display. The width of this image should be devisable by 10 which implies that each number in the image should have the same width (10 numbers). Known Bugs ---------- None. History ------- 1.20 (30-Jan-2005) - Made it compile with ECX48 resulting in MorphOS native ELF binary. 1.17 (10-Sep-2004) - The clock's window was set to the size from env:mui/CLOCKTOY.1.prefs even when skins defined a different size. Fixed. 1.0 (07-Sep-2004) - first public release Author ------ #amigazeux - Matthias "UltraGelb" Böcker IRC: Nick: UltraGelb Network: DarkMyst IRC Network ( Channel: #amigazeux The provided skins Black and Silver were created by André "Jobbo" Siegel. Disclaimer ---------- ClockToy is FREEWARE. There's no adware, spyware, shareware demands or anything like that. Do what you want with it, but don't try to take credit for it. Making a profit from this product is strictly prohibited! Use is at the user's own risk. The author, developers, and all concerned cannot and will not take responsibility for any damage done to your computer, house, career, Bible, weapons cache or DVD collection. Remember that! -- #amigazeux