Short: GUI for PGP5 in Arexx Author: Uploader: never19 hotmail com Type: util/rexx Version: 1.0 Arexx Architecture: m68k-amigaos Simple GUI for PGP5 in arexx... You need RexxReqtools.library in Libs:... Plus RexxMast must be running. PGP files must be in C: PGPE,PGPV,PGPK must be in C: You must assign PGP to where ever you have installed the main directory. Made GUI as friendly as possible... PGP is a security program to secure that your files are protected from wandering eyes. Pretty Good Privacy - PGP... You need the main PGP5 archive which u can get from Aminet i think or _,gæ= ªw_ _. -*w+._øCâµgÏØØbÐL jqÊg­w_3@­ ¬ ¬5ØØ°"¬°ØØØNNÎ .ÆØØØØØØ" "². ØØ6Î jQØØ#ØØË ._ØØË5³ ÞØØ jØ° ____ _gggpµ °9©#Ø åÆËJP _ÆØØØØL ]Ø#°9ØØØgµ_ ¬*' Ë°° ¼ØØP .Z¹ ¬"æK_ °ØØØØ_ \ jF jÆØË ÆØF __¬5° jØØØØÎ ¢F Ø/ ]ØØص_â øÆQC"þ¬¶ØØØØØØÎ [ NÎ 9ØØØØ# ¬NØØ#" "#ØØF¶~ æ Π9ØØ@ ¸ , Æ` ]Æ ]_ | j _¤VF "*___ °- ­­" ____f_jC___ _âgØØØË3έµÞ______øØØP9ÆØØØØØص ÆØØØØØØØF¶ÆØØØØØØØØØ# ØØØØØØÞØص _j55¬ØØØØØØI¬ËËËËËËËËËË ØØØØØØÎI55Î, ¯¯¯¯ "#@®®Ë# ¯¯ P02P° ¯¯¯¯¯ | gW@@@@@@ms ,W@@b 4@M@@@@@@@@@s d@@@@. ]@@@ ~M@@@.,gm____. ,@@@@@W ]@@@ 'M@@W@@@@@@A` W@A!@@@[ ]@@@ ]@@P***@@f i@@` Y@@@. ]@@@ ]@@` ,W@! ,@@@@@@@@@W ]@@@____@A` g@@b___. W@@*****@@@W ]@@@@@@@f i@@@@@@A`d@@P V@@@@ EmAiL : 'V****~ V****f !*~` V*~ WeBPaGE :