Short: simple password protection on boot Author: Rupert Hausberger Uploader: Rupert Hausberger Type: util/misc Version: 1.3 Replaces: util/misc/passwd-morphos.lha Architecture: ppc-morphos Description =========== "bootpwd" is a small tool to protect your machine form unauthorized access. It's not so hard to break it, so it may work for unexperienced users. Features ======== - 128-bit - MUI-GUI - Disk-log Requirements ============ - MorphOS 1.x Installation ============ Copy the executable to C: Usage ===== "bootpwd" does only work from a shell or script. Arguments --------- K=KEY,MK=MAKEKEY,LOG/S,LOGPW/S,BGCOLOR K=KEY - operate using MK=MAKEKEY - generate a key LOG - enable logging to disk (new 1.3) LOGPW - enable logging of wrong entered passwords (new 1.3) BGCOLOR - ajust background color. format RRGGBB in hex-values (new 1.3) First you need to generate a key form your password. It's a 128-bit CRC of the password. Open a shell and type: C:bootpwd mk test1234 This will output: Copy&Paste the following text at the first line in S:user-startup ;BEGIN bootpwd C:bootpwd 8C9AE431D738118E12DD991BA9452323 ;END bootpwd Now do the above and your setup. NOTE: You can ajust the line to enable logging and set a background-color: C:bootpwd 8C9AE431D738118E12DD991BA9452323 LOG LOGPW BGCOLOR 8080f0 At the next reboot a small window will popup and ask you to enter the password. In our example, you need to enter 'test1234' to gain access. If the entered password was incorrect a delay of 1 minute is started. After the delay you can try to enter the password again. If it's again wrong a delay of 3 minutes is started, like 1,3,9,27,81 mins... If the LOG switch is used, all access is logged to C:bootpwd.log, witch is not write- or deleteable. I will give no hints on how to break it, because every experienced user does know it :) Author ====== ©2008-2013 Rupert Hausberger License ======= GPL. Please refer to the file COPYING for details. History ======= Please refer to the file ChangeLog for details.