Short: A SmartViewer for the Aminet CD's. V1.0 Author: (Morten Bjergstrøm) Uploader: mbjergstroem hotmail com (Morten Bjergstrøm) Type: util/misc Requires: OS 3.0 Architecture: m68k-amigaos This program is a little utility useful for everybody who has the Aminet CD's. SmartView should be used as the textviewer in the Aminet CD prefs program then you will be able to use your favourite textviewer for textfiles and MultiView for AmigaGuide files. Before SmartView this was impossible because the textviewer and the guideviewer in the Aminet CD prefs program cannot be selected seperately. Because of this silly thing you had to use MultiView as a textviewer else you would only have been able to see AmigaGuide files as pure text. Not very pleasant indeed.