Short: IFF 16SV V1.2 - sound_dtc reference implementation Author: (Roland Mainz) Uploader: GISBURN w-specht rhein-ruhr de (Roland Mainz) Type: util/dtype Replaces: util/dtype/16svdtc011.lha Architecture: m68k-amigaos IFF 16SV DataType, which is able to load and __save__ IFF 16SV samples. Source included. sound.datatype subclass | This is the official datatypes.library V45 reference implementation of a | sound.datatype subclass which supports saving in it's local format | (such an encoder is used by "DTConvert" and other tools which uses DataTypes | for conversion, e.g. DataType -> DataType (e.g. MPEG Audio -> IFF 16SV etc.)). Features: - Supports saving in it's local format (IFF 16SV) - Supports IFF generic information chunks like AUTH (author), ANNO (annotation) etc. for both decoder/encoder - Example data file (e.g. an IFF 16SV sound) included - Shows how to create datatypes compiled for different CPU configurations and shows a SAFE way to check this at library runtime - Comes with full source ---- Bye, Roland