Short: Opens a lister, closes its parent Author: (Azvareth) Uploader: na na na (Azvareth) Type: util/dopus Version: 0.2.1 Architecture: generic filename: DOP_AutoCloseLister.dopus5 Written and tested for DOPUS 5.91 on OS3.2.2, WinUAE 5.0.0 64Bit Original author: Azvareth installation: connect this script in DOPUS->menu->settings->scripts->Open lister [AREXX] [DOP_AutoCloseLister.dopus5] What it does: AutoClose the old lister when a new is opened and it is a child of a parent Not sure if this is the correct way to do it, or if there are a way to implement a ctrl+click without pressing ctrl, to get a lister to open in the same lister, if anyone know, please modify what you like in the script and bump up the version of it I guess it is not useful on non accelerated Amigas, it works ok for me in emulation, some delay but it's ok