Short: Know-All V1.04 (Super File Search and Action/Catalogue!!) Author: (Carl Harrison) Uploader: garpa southwales u-net com (Carl Harrison) Type: util/dir Architecture: m68k-amigaos Know-All PROFESSIONAL V1.04 © C.Harrison 1997 Know-All is the BEST Find-File-and-Action/Device Catalogue program available for the Amiga platform. Know-All has now become ShareWare, - only pre-version 1.03 options are available for the un-registered user, however - a lot of the program is given away with the un-registered version but the extra options make a hell of a difference - especially with your time. Think about registering software, its the only way to keep the Amiga alive. Other than that, the program is FREE! LEGAL WARNING ------------- This software, is provided, as is. Any changes to documentation or program code is at the programmer's discretion. KnoWAll PROFESSIONAL is protected under International Copyright Laws. You are not premitted to distribute, copy, lend, hire, hack without the written permission from the author of KnoWAll (Carl Harrison). KnoWAll PROFESSIONAL has been released as a shareware product, meaning that if you use this program extensively, or wish to use the more advanced features of KnowAll then it is suggested that you register the software as described at the bottom of this document. The author of KnoWAll cannot be held responsible for any errors caused by this program. The program has been FULLY tested and debugged. If any problems occur to your computer, it is not the responsibility of the author. By agreeing to use KnoWAll, you automatically agree to the above statements. aNYwAyS... KnowAll is EXTREMLY fast! *************************************************************************** Version 1.03 produces ;- Typical Speed (on a 030 50Mhz) KnowAll took only 44 seconds to scan a 500Meg Partition 49 seconds to scan a 500Meg Partition and create a catalogue in RAM: 43 seconds to Scan a 500Meg Partition and Create a catalogue in RAM: for .Info files. *************************************************************************** In-Catalogue Searching ---------------------- 15 seconds to scan the 500Meg Partition Catalogue and create another catalogue in RAM: for .info files. Over 55% Speed Increase ! REGISTERED USERS ONLY ! *************************************************************************** Hard Drive was a Connor 800k Sec IDE and was 9% fragmented. Another Reason for Registering;- -------------------------------- I proceeded to test KnowAll's device-reading routine against the registered KnowAll's built-in-catalogue search routine using CU Amiga CD's 2-15 on a 2xSpeed PowerComputing SCSI CDROM on a Squirrel SCSI interface and the results are as follows;- KnowAll took a total of 2hours 32mins to scan CU Amiga CD 2-15 and create a catalogue for EACH CD. (only 300k sec (2speed CD unfortunately :( )) KnowAll ONLY took a total of 55 mins to scan the Catalogued-Catalogues of CU Amiga CD 2-15 and create a complete-catalogue of those catalogues.... KnowAll ONLY took a total of 40 mins to scan the Catalogued-Catalogues of CU Amiga CD2-15 and create a complete-catalogue of .Library Files. Total Files Processed on 14 CDROMS = 362,948 files (8.4 Gig of Data) *************************************************************************** The faster your device, the fast KnowAll will work. 8 SpeedCD roms and above and/or SCSI hard-drive(s) will surely help KnowAll fly! There is very little math involved in KnowAll, so I wouldn't be surprised if it achieves near or same results on a standard A1200. Pretty good huh? Let me know how fast it runs on yer drive. It can do a number of actions which will help you manage your enormous software collection ;) CATalogue whole devices into a text file for your information CATalogue whole devices for only matching files for your information COPY the matched files to a destination of your choice DELETE the matched files MOVE the matched files Combine Commands from above to do several actions at once ! (Catalogue yer Hard-Drive whilst deleting file_id.diz's!) Catalogue files within Catalogue-Files (scan your complete collection in one command!) Which is useful for.... Putting the files in their correct places...Such as .library files scattered throughout yer partitions... :) Dumping all those BBS adverts and File_ID.Diz's :) Build it into a Door within a BBS (using CLI/Script or some other method) Pinching .WAVs, .MOVs, .MPG, .AVI and others of yer m8s PC CDs. Heheheh Handy for giving file-lists to BBS users from Sysops! Using a FTPdevice program, you can do searches for programs on Internet FTP sites using CLI/DOpus/Ordering or whatever program you have! (untested) Handy or Wot? :P You'll have access to ALL of your Software Collection, whether it is on CD, Disk, or whatever device you have attached. You'll have access to all of it without having to physically search through the medium's to locate whatcha looking for and KnowAll will even prompt you for the CD/Disk! if you are copying/moving/updating/deleting etc.. All this runs from CLI and is very easy to use. Program Requirements -------------------- Any Amiga supporting WorkBench 2.0 and Above. Recommend 2 Meg RAM or More :) Program Installation -------------------- Copy it wherever you want (just put any library files in its proper location) Plug it into Ordering or DOpus. Now it REALLY becomes handy... READ ON ! Program is CLI so plug it into whatever you use! Program Limitations ------------------- Only Holds a maximum of 20,000 Directories (scanned) Memory has been set aside for 1 Meg. (Sorry, but the information has to be stored somewhere ;) I am working on a routine, which will self-optimise varaiable and re-use same-data which will allow me to set the program to the 1meg memory reserve but be able to scan unlimited size devices and create catalogues - this should be out before November 1997 - and registered users automatically get updates by the way! USAGE ----- Type knowall with NO arguments to get the help page from the program. knowall ARGUMENTS ARGUMENTS being;- DRIVE="HD0:" (search or source device - including inverted commas!) In All Cases, the above command MUST be included in the command string. Then, you can ACTION one of the following by putting the key word into the command string following the DRIVE information. DELETE deletes all files matched. COPY="destination directory" (including /) Copies all files matched. MOVE="destination directory" (including /) Moves all files matched. WC="wilcard- anything, such as "IFF" or ".SND" no *.* or #? required!)" (Inverted commas required! Do not forget this!) Default setting is to respond to EVERY file, so if no-wildcard has been selected and DELETE chosen then the program will DELETE All Files Encountered. Do not use DELETE with NO wildcard otherwise yer'll delete ALL yer files !!!! CATACT="destination directory and filename for catalogue on actioned files found with the wildcard" (include inverted commas) CATALL="destination directory and filename for complete catalogue of a device" (include inverted commas) PRI="program priority from -127 to 127" (include inverted commas) Default setting is set to 0. VERBOSE1 Outputs to CLI files found (matched using MulTiSearch) VERBOSE2 Outputs to CLI ALL files encountered Only ONE verbose command can be used. Let me know if you want the option for both. ** COMMANDS AVAILABLE FOR REGISTERED USERS ONLY ** When registered and you have installed your keyfile as desribed, the following commands will become available. Un-registered users are ignored if the following commands are used. CATSEARCH="catalogue directory/" - allows you to do in-catalogue searches of previously generated catalogues. Compatible options are CATACT,CATALL,COPY, MOVE,DELETE. Kewl - SO NOW YOU CAN GENERATE ONE CATALOGUE OF ALL YOUR CDs (MODs, JPGs or whatever) with one command! or copy them to another device - if yer burning CDs you can now make your own MOD CDs without searching for the MODS, just send a WC=".MOD" COPY="blahblah", let KnowAll locate the file(s) and copy them for you easily and quickly, wherever you want. Here are some examples, which when you examine, you will know how easy it is to use. Unfortunately, due to Amos-Pro not liking to share with other Amos-Pro programs (if anyone has a copy of the AMOS program sharing thingy that WORKS - I could not get the AMOSpatch to work on KnowALL) send a copy to my-email address below PLEASE! and I'll send yer a key-file for KnowAll), you can only run KnowAll one at a time, however you can do several actions (for example) in one command line like;- knowall drive="cd0:" catall="data:text/cds/aminet9606.list" The above line would catalogue the whole CD-ROM drive CD0: and dump the contents into data:text/cds/aminet9606.list. knowall drive="hd1:" catact="data:trashcan/alllibraryfiles.list" wc=".library" The above line would catalogue ALL encountered .library files and catalogue the contents into data:trashcan/alllibraryfiles.list file. knowall drive="hd1:" wc=".library" move="workbench:libs/" The above line would move all .library files encountered on HD1 to the libs directory on HD0: The move command could be replaced with copy to copy the files rather than move them. Please note, no catalogue is generated, just the action initiated. knowall drive="hd1:" wc="file_id.diz" delete The above line would DELETE all FILE_ID.DIZ files encountered on HD1 You can even mix commands. Like Cataloguing Whole devices and copy just Mpeg files the same time. knowall drive="cd0:" wc=".MPG" catact="data:trashcan/ALLMPEGFILES.txt" catall="data:trashcan/ALLfiles.txt" The above line would create a catalogue file of ALL files encountered and would create a file for ALL .MPG files encountered. knowall drive="hd1:" catall="ram:allfiles.list" wc="file_id.diz" DELETE The above line would create a catalogue of HD1: of ALL files encountered and would delete ALL file_id.diz files. If you wanted to delete all file_id.diz's, but keep a log of them you would use the command;- knowall drive="hd1:" wc="file_id.diz" catact="ram:deleted_dizs.list" DELETE another useful command is... knowall catsearch="hd3:text/Magazine_CDs/" wc=".library" catact="ram:list.txt" The line above (for reg'd users) would search previously-generated catalogue files in hd3:text/magazine/CDs for all ".library" files and catalogue the results in a file in RAM: called list.txt. The CATACT command can be replaced with DELETE, COPY or MOVE to initiate the intended action. KnowAll will even prompt you with a requester for the device to be inserted if you did want to copy/move or delete! This command searches the entire directory, so there is no limit to the amount of catalogue files to be in-searched! If you just wanna play around, the following command would scan CD0: and CLI output all the directories that it encountered. knowall drive="cd0:" verbose1 If you wanted to scan CD0: and list everything on there you would issue the command knowall drive="cd0:" verbose2 **************************************************************************** It is STRONGLY advised that you do not change the contents of ANY generated catalogues. KnowAll follows a strict format for reading the file, you may look at one because at the bottom of the file, it reproduces the statistics from the CLI output, but do not amend and save over the catalogue! **************************************************************************** This program is *incredibly* useful for cataloguing magazine CDs, and VERY useful if you want to find all QuickTime movies or Jpegs or Mpegs or S3m's or MIDI files (or a million other datatypes!) on data CDs There are NO restrictions for the UNREGISTERED-USER except they cannot do in-catalogue searching - which may I remind you, will save you upto 55% of your time if searching through GIGs of data. If you have the patience, then fine, use KnowAll on "slow" speed, otherwise support shareware AND the Amiga (coz encouragement results to better output - in other words, if you can show your appreciation and would like to use the full functions of the program then ENCOURAGE ME coz I still an AMIGA NUT! but I use PC's in work, and I've just bought myself a £1,600 PC with 200Mhz Pentium MMX, 16Speed CD 32MEG RAM, 3.5GIG HD, BubbleJet Printer, 15" Monitor, Software, 4MEG 3D Graphics Card, 32Bit WaveTable SoundCard and I still wanna use my Amiga - don't let me put my miggy in a box and forget her - I LOVE her but I must obviously earn money (I'm a Quality Systems Programming Engineer) I design Quality (ISO based) software for the manufacturing industry so programming is my career - don't put me out of a job. This program is ShareWare and ShareWareSwopWare (!). What the bloody hell is ShareWareSwopWare?????? Well, I'm not particular rich (yet!), and can't afford all the shareware proggies for amiga, so if you like my program, and you have shareware programs (doesn't matter what it is - as long as you made it, or that you have at least registered it and not ripping the authors off!) send me a registered version of your software and you will receive the next version of KnowAll, free. Things to do;- DEEP search, such as true filetype recognition through WhatIs.Library Have an option to the protection bits on your Hard-Drive! Kewl. Just before you go on holiday, set it to No WRITE/DELETE etc... on your hard-drive and whahaay! A automated protection program ! Kewl! Get LHA or LZX or ZIP or XFD or XPK or whatever compressor to compress the files that you are looking for by device ! Get External programs to perform actions on the files (via Arexx or my own type of script language or direct). Probably millions of other little add-ons by the time I've finished... You can even perform speed-tests with your hard-drive and Amiga using KnowAll. Just use the commands KnowAll drive="hd3:" to do a complete scan of your hard-drive without doing anything other than outputting how many files found and how long it took. Typical speeds for reading PC magazine CDs is less than 1 minute, sometimes as quick as 11 seconds! Whilst Amiga related CD's such as CU Amiga or Amiga Format can take several minutes. The quality and quantity shows - 1,800 files average on a PC CD while Amiga CDs pull off 20,000-30,000 files! Of Course we are talking totally running from CDs for the Amiga - something PC users CANNOT do without redistributing the OS..Tough Luck Lads, try an efficient OS for a change not something still in the 70's (Win95 is MS_FLOSS * I mean STILL MS_DOS dependent..) ~~~~~ As for GATEWAY 2000 and Amiga Inc, WHY DON'T YOU RELEASE WORKBENCH FOR THE PC????? - preferably using a filesystem that is to be used for the PowerPC Amiga's. I mean, you've got the rights for WorkBench and it was written in C, so why not port????? :) PLEASE.... Program Tested on: Amiga CD32 10Meg Ram 850Meg HD SX32 020 14Mhz Amiga A1200 18Meg Ram 1Gig HD Blizzard Mk4 030 50Mhz 68882 (50Mhz) E-Mail me with your suggestions, bug reports or REGISTERED shareware programs to or Snail_mail me with your gift, CASH,POSTAL ORDER or EURO-CHEQUE to If money - as long as its more than £5 sterling (it'll cost me a half that to change it unless I get floods of foreign money :) Carl Harrison 24 High Close Green Meadows Nelson Mid-Glamorgan South Wales United Kingdom CF46 6HJ and don't forget to leave yer e-mail address or snail-mail address !!!! When you receive your E-Mailed/Snail-Mailed KeyFile, place it in your S: directory. Each Key-File is personalised, and has been encoded using Document File Protector © C.Harrison 1997 - which is UNBREAKABLE - but I've only given KnowAll a code-sequence of 1, which is the VERY lowest setting of DFP and will take sometime to crack. Sounds Easy to crack? Not bad, but a different keyfile will be released for each version, and will be e-mailed to the registrees so any keyfiles floating about on pirate BBS's will mean the IMMEDIATE retraction of KnoWAll from Aminet and no further releases will be processed for the general public. Keep an eye for DFP on Aminet in 1997 for the Amiga Platform. for the next exciting episode of KnoWALL do the honest thing! VERSION UPDATE HISTORY ---------------------- 1.01 Fixed text display on Knowall's own-screen display. Optimised the routine for reading the root-directory of the device. Increased speed about 35% - BUT since people do not have many files in their root directory, I doubt if anyone will notice the difference, but it is an optimise! 1.02 KnowAll has now been CLIed and prevented from creating its own screen. The reason of this, is that people like to have sight of all software running, and that all too frequently, the user would be running the the program on QUIET mode. Display routines and QUIET checking routines have been removed and has resulted in a speed-increase of upto 10% (on top of the 35% speed increase on the QUIET mode of pre-V1.02) so a total increase of approximatley 45% has been achieved of directory reading and outputting data to the catalogue files. The only problem now is, I can't really optimise it any more, but I have to add more options to take advantage of the directory-engine routine I have wrote. Never Mind. I can promise that the extra-option versions will only slow down VERY slightly when checking and will slow down a little further for the actual option that you chose to use. Um. What else... Oh yeah, I've included the proper name of the device that is being scanned on the CLI output and in the catalogue so that in the newer versions, in-catalogue searching will be allowed, allowing you to search through your complete collection and catalogue wildcarded files! AND catalogue whatever device yer doing as well. I'll build it in like the others, a sort of pre-emtive multi-tasking program with mini-programs running as well. Kewl. 1.03 Version 1.03 is upon us at last, and is now SHAREWARE. New options added from V1.03 will not be available to any un-registered users, such as searching within-catalogues and being able to do anything. Only devices can be catalogued and searched, and if you take a look at the speed difference when searching through catalogues rather than devices - registering makes sense. Save over 50% of your time if you register. Other than being able to do in-catalogue searches, you can have an un-limited directory of catalogues which KnowAll will browse through and do action your commands. Built-in Help Page has been amended to show new options. 1.04 VERBOSE1 and VERBOSE2 commands added. KnowAll was then tested EXTENSIVELY for TEN HOURS working on over 15 GIG of data on hard-drives Compact Discs, Floppy Disks (does not work in RAM DISK tho). I should soon be adding Arexx commands, so that BBS's will be able to fully integrate with KnoWAll (and any other Arexx compatible progs) ALL bugs have been COMPLETELY removed upto this version.