Short: Patches ScrollRaster() to look nicer Author: (Chris Perver) Uploader: chris planb TheGAP com (Chris Perver) Type: util/boot Replaces: util/boot/blitscroll.lha Requires: Kickstart 37+ Architecture: m68k-amigaos HISTORY ------- o Added SMOOTHSCROLL option o Added the ability to clear the new area of raster, to be compatible with all programs. ScrollRaster() seems to use a different function to clear the raster, while I use EraseRect(). I will change this if I find out what ScrollRaster() uses, as this seems to cause some problems with MUI, as EraseRect() clears with the backfill, while ScrollRaster() does something else. o Allow user to set how fast SMOOTHSCROLL should be. o Fixed bug in which a crash could occur if the amount to scroll was less than the smooth scroll amount DESCRIPTION ----------- This program will patch the ScrollRaster() function to use my own routine, which uses ClipBlit(). The main bonus is that the new area of raster isn't cleared after the scroll, so new text, etc is drawn on top of the old text. The result is most notable when scrolling in a shell. You can of course enable the clearing of the new raster area, to keep compatibility with all programs. You can also enable smooth scrolling, which breaks every raster scroll into many scrolls. USAGE ----- You can start and stop blitscroll at any time. I suggest putting the following line in your s:user-startup after copying blitscroll to c: RUN >NIL: c:blitscroll CLEARNEWAREA SMOOTHSCROLL=4 To stop blitscroll, just break it's process. ARGS ---- CLEARNEWAREA - This keyword will make blitscroll clear the new area of raster after scrolling. SMOOTHSCROLL= - If you run blitscroll with the SMOOTHSCROLL keyword, then the scroll will be split into seperate scrolls. The larger this number, the smoother the scroll will be. NOTES ----- Smooth scrolling will be disabled when the task input.device calls it, as this task uses ScrollRaster() for moving the raster of windows on Workbench.