Short: Does an IF EXISTS. Suppresses requester. Author: (Will Bow) Uploader: colin cts com Type: util/batch Architecture: m68k-amigaos ______ __ ____ _ /_ __/__ _____/ /_/ __ \___ _ __(_)_______ / / / _ \/ ___/ __/ / / / _ \ | / / / ___/ _ \ / / / __(__ ) /_/ /_/ / __/ |/ / / /__/ __/ /_/ \___/____/\__/_____/\___/|___/_/\___/\___/ __ | |__ _ _ | '_ \ || | |_.__/\_, | |__/ ___ ___ _____ _ _ ___ __ _ | _ )/ _ \_ _| |_| | / __| ___ / _| |___ __ ____ _ _ _ ___ | _ \ (_) || | | _ | \__ \/ _ \ _| _\ V V / _` | '_/ -_) |___/\___/ |_| |_| |_| |___/\___/_| \__|\_/\_/\__,_|_| \___| Distribution: Freeware, freely distributable Requirements: WB2.x and up Might work on 1.3 (not tested) Description: Performs an "If Exists" on a device or device:filename. If the device or filename does not exist, the resultant system requester will be suppressed. Returns a Zero if the device:file exists and a Five (Warn) if the device:file does not exist. Source, written in C, is available upon request. Usage from a DOS Script or the shell: testdevice device:[filename] Example: Assume your script wants to find out if a certain device has been mounted. Normally you would issue an If Exists like this: If Exists NET: :: :: Endif If NET: exists, the system returns a Zero and the script continues. If NET: does not exist, a system requester will pop up, informing the user that NET: is not mounted, and the script stops until the requester is cleared with a mouse click. Testdevice does the same thing, but will not stop the script with a system requester if the device does not exist. testdevice NET: If Warn ; failed. NET: does not exist :: :: Else ; suceeded. NET: is mounted. :: :: EndIf You may include a filename to test like this: testdevice NET:node.rinfo You may use testdevice to see if a floppy disk is physically inserted into a floppy drive. Testdevice df0: will return a five if a diskette is not in the drive. Testdevice may be renamed. Volumes may be tested as well. History This file was written to overcome problems when starting ParNFS on a remote, unattended A600T. Since no operator was present to clear a system requester, a way had to be found to test the existance of a device without the possibility of bringing the script to a halt. Installation: Copy testdevice to any place in the path. Authors: Will Bow Colin Thompson