Short: A csh script for RECURSIVELY convert LhA archive to LZX v0.95 Author: (Bruno Rohée) Uploader: rohee univ-mlv fr (Bruno Rohée) Type: util/arc Architecture: m68k-amigaos This little script convert LhA archives to LZX archives in the path where it is executed. Usage : simply copy le file to CSH: (you NEED csh 5.20+). then type LhA2LZX in the directory where you want all your LhA archives being converted in LZX archives. If LhA is better for a file LhA2LZX keep the LhA archive unless you delete a few lines in the script. (FORCE option :-)). Example : $ cp CSH: $ ed CSH:LhA2LZX $ cd Aminet: $ LhA2LZX