Short: CED: Fast line/word/character counting Author: Uploader: Matthias Bethke gmx net Type: text/edit Version: 1.3 Requires: wc (from the GeekGadgets textutils package, Architecture: generic This is a quick ARexx hack I threw together (forgive the probably not very nice code - I'm neither experienced in ARexx nor too keen on improving it stylistically) to quickly count lines, words and characters in a file or marked block in CygnusEd. It basically saves the block to a temp file, runs "wc" (the Unix "word count" command) on it, grabs its output and displays it in a CED requester. Oh, and it deletes the temp files, too :-) Installation: Just copy it to your HD (preferably to REXX:ced/) and use the "Special -> Dos/ARexx Interface -> Install Dos/Arexx command" menu to bind it to some key. No arguments required. Advantages: - Fast. The "Word-Count-File.ced" macro takes ages for the same job. - Flexbile. Well, more flexible than the former that is, although that doesn't tell much. It can process blocks, too, that's about it. Disadvantages: - Needs temporary storage. This is currently in T:, i.e. you have to have enough free RAM for the temp file plus wc (which in turn loads ixemul.library, if you don't have it loaded anyway!). If you don't like that, set it to some directory on your HD (masochists: use Floppies or ParNet drives 8-)) - Kills the current copy buffer. Even without a marked block it has to mark and copy the entire file first :-( If anybody knows how to save a copy to another file without permanently changing the current fil's name in CED, tell me!