Short: Donald by Thain/Sbl, 13rd at Assembly 96 Author: (Timo Savola) Uploader: tsavola megabaud fi (Timo Savola) Type: pix/trace Architecture: generic This (JPEG) picture represents some kind of dino-bird with duck's head. ("Lentava vesinokkaelain", as my friend calls it in finnish.) The resolution is 640x480. It came 13rd at Assembly 96's raytrace competition... It was finished TWO(!) minutes before the deadline in a BIG rush, so it has many `bugs', for which I'm very sorry (especially to myself). It was mainly created with A1200/030/882/10Mb and finished and rendered with my friend's (Dazler of several groups) Pentium at the partyplace (my own HD broke down). Both Amy and PC were running Lightwave 4. The final touch (the signature ;) was made with my another friend's (Dick of Sensible) A1200/030. . Thain of Sensible/AP .