Short: 1024x1024 "recursive" hot-air balloon Uploader: jlowder cscns com Type: pix/trace Architecture: generic Here's some techno-trivia about the image: Each of the 256 balloons in this image consist of roughly 2500 polygons, making the total number of polygons for the scene roughly .65 million. Since the models are procedural, it was possible to render this many polygons on my 5 MEG A3000. Some of the same procedural code is used in both the individual balloons and in their placement within the scene, so in a way it really is "recursive". The image was generated using Racer 0.55, an in-house amiga & unix raytracer, and the balloon was modelled by hand. The rendering time on a 25MHZ/68882 A3000 was approximately 14 hours.