Short: Dark WB theme by Nowee for Visualprefs Author: Uploader: Nowee fr fm Type: pix/theme Requires: Visualprefs, JPEG Datatype. Architecture: generic Here's an update of my darkest theme for workbench. This one is easier to install. It's fonts are supplied. This version was made for low end configurations, ie the patterns does not eats up all your memory. I maybe made a mistake with lock GUI bitmap (I don't use dOPUS). Please note, it was meant to be used on HIGH QUALITY screens, ie LCD's or Mitsubishi tubes. If it's too dark for you, then you might need to modify your contrast as shown on OverShaker, or try another theme. We have plenty ready for you. But don't complain about the theme being too dark, IT WAS DESIGNED LIKE THIS AND WON'T BE CHANGED ------------------ Manual installation -------------------- -Copy the DarkNowee theme (drawer DarkNowee) in any place on your HD, best is SYS:Prefs/Presets/GUI... -Assign the place where you put your overshaker GUI gadgets as "GUI:". -Save your workbench prefs. -Copy the supplied fonts to the FONTS: directory -Replace your workbench prefs with the ones provided in drawer ENVARC. -Reset your computer. It's that simple. ----------------------------------------------------------- Feel free to mail new GUI bitmaps or submit us ideas... Find all your Amiga favorite GUI's and Themes at: