Short: Real 3D V2 raytraced Finnish Sauna [DD] Type: pix/trace Architecture: generic ._mmmmmm_ .adb, ad@@@` '"@, .d*`dF 'a@F` .@) mF`.d" _mc a@F /@` _@" aF` '*" .d@" a@" aF`a/^ .____ __ .@@" d@" _mF@@ d@aF^ .am ._ .mF*^^$@` .mF _mF*@) am _mm .@@` a@F` a@"`aF` d@"` a@" a@" (@ v/*"` a@" .dF` a@` .d@)@@F` .@@` adF^ /@br*` .m" dF m" dF` a@F m-'#b, d@` .@" @@` a@@")@" @@` .a@*^ @@___a/"` /@_aF` ]@La/T@, ]@, @@ d@` @@__d" a@F`:@[ /@@__md*^ '^*"^` '"^` "*^ "*" "****` *` '**^ "^ '@L '^"^^` '^ a@) m@" _, .dF` :@F` a@" _mmm _ammm@" _amm _md**#@- _m .mF"`/@ _, __ .am***@r _d*^ /@` a@"`dF /@`_amF" .dF`a@" :d@" m- .dFLm@F` .@F._md*` a@` d@` .d@_m*` .m_,'@e'` a@" d@` a@F\aF` a@@*$@" ._ #b,^ @[ _@@@ d@^` ._d"T@ '@b a@" *@/(@@m*` a@F`a@` @[ T@, *@F"`'@m '*@F*"^ '#bmm@" @" ._m@"^ -@" @@ "@mmd* _m*")@" '*` .d*` mF` #@_mF" ^^` --------------- [ PRESENTS ] --------------- .oOo. .oOo. .oOo. .oOo. .oOo. .oOo. .oOo. .oOo. Oo.oO Oo.oO Oo.oO Oo.oO Oo.oO Oo.oO Oo.oO PICTURE Sauna.jpg (80276 bytes) SIZE 640 * 512 pixels FORMAT JPEG The picture has been converted from 24-bit RGB image with free JPEG software version 4, using quality 85. JPEG format has been developed by Independent JPEG Group. ABOUT THE IMAGE This image represents a Finnish sauna. A sauna is a big part of Finnish history, because some very important decisions have been made there by politicians and it also belongs to everyday life in Finland. Usually Finns go to sauna about twice a week. There are still a lot of people alive who have been born in sauna. There are saunas everywhere. Almost every house has got own sauna here in Finland. Also all summerplaces in country/seashore have got a sauna. If you go to a Finnish lake or seashore, you will see saunas everywhere. Finnish sauna is not a public bath, men and women don't usually go to sauna at the same time. There are, of course, some exceptions, like the whole family going to sauna at the same time. In the winter, it's really refreshing to bath in snow or go to frozen lake when in sauna! If you haven't ever been in _Finnish_ sauna, you don't know what you have missed! Forget all the other saunas, the Finnish sauna is the original sauna, even though the swedes are trying to steal this honor from us. ;) The model is not very complex, containing only a few carefully selected objects. The model was created to look like our own sauna, although the model is little wider and doesn't have some very minor details that the real sauna has. Real 3D V2 is capable to render smooth shadows, and they make the image look a lot more realistic than with sharp edged shadows. So all shadows are rendered, not simulated with any kind of shadowmaps or anything like that. Only two different wood textures were used. RELEASE DATE 1 August 1993 SOFTWARE Real 3D V2 V2.34 Real 3D V2 is the most professional three dimensional rendering program available for any home computer. The image was created on Commodore Amiga personal computer. Real 3D V2 is a trademark of RealSoft KY. LEGAL You may copy and distribute this archive, containing this README file, the INDEX file and the picture file. This README file MUST BE INCLUDED in the archive. You are not allowed to modify or retouch the image in any way. This image must be distributed in its original JPEG format. You may use the image in your own productions as long as you mention the author, 'Delusion designs' somewhere in your product. You are not allowed to sell this image. Your are only allowed to charge a minimal copying fee, that may not exceed the price of a one 3 1/2 floppy disk. On brain-dead filesystems, you may abbreviate the name of the archive and the name of the picture. Copyright © Delusion designs 1993 - All rights reserved