Short: play & decode YM tunes Author: (Lorence Lombardo) Uploader: lombi iprimus com au (Lorence Lombardo) Type: mus/play Version: 1.1 Architecture: m68k-amigaos Ym2ar v1.1 (C) 2013 Lorence Lombardo. Ym2ar has been developed primarily for future use with playOGG, but it is quite useful independently also. "Ym2ar.cpp" was based on megacz "Ym2Pipe.cpp" build which was stripped down, rebuilt and significantly changed. See the following URL for "Ym2Pipe.cpp" and licensing:- Usage:- Ym2ar [pcm_data] [R/S] The "S" switch tells Ym2ar not to update the AIFF header at the end and should be used when writing to a file stream device such as PIPE: and AUDIO:. CLI usage examples:- ==================== Saving to AIFF:- Ym2ar ND-Loader.ym test.aiff Saving to RAW:- Ym2ar ND-Loader.ym test.raw r Obtaining Info:- Ym2ar ND-Loader.ym Play via AHI:- Ym2ar ND-Loader.ym audio: s Type "Ym2ar" with no args for a usage explanation. Building Ym2ar:- Simply copy "Ym2ar.cpp" and the "Makefile" into the "StSoundGPL-1.2/src" directory and then type "Make" whilst in that directory. Feeling bored ? :) Why not check out this URL ?