Short: Bars&PipesPro2.5 deutsche Anleitung Author: Alfred Faust Uploader: alfred j faust gmx de (Alfred Faust) Type: mus/midi Requires: Multiview, Bars&Pipes Professional 2.5 Architecture: generic A rich explained guide for Bars&Pipes Professional 2.5 with many pictures. You will be wondered, why a guide in german guide for Bars&Pipes? But there is an english guide in work at The program own laguage is english, and a german, who cannot speak english is not able to use the program. My english is not good enough to explain such a complex program in english. If there is anyone who want to translate the guide to english or other languages ... please do it ... I would bee very enjoyed :)) The Guide is FREEWARE - MAILWARE Nochmal auf deutsch: Eine ausführlich erklärte Anleitung für Bars&Pipes Professional 2.5 mit vielen Bildern. Vielleicht wundert sich jemand, warum eine Anleitung in deutsch? Weil eine Online-Anleitung auf in Arbeit ist. Das Programm selbst ist in Englisch geschrieben, und jemand der kein Englisch spricht kann das Programm ohne Anleitung nicht benutzen. Mein Englisch ist nicht ausreichend, um ein solch komplexes Programm in Englisch zu erklären. Falls es jemanden gibt, der die Anleitung ins Englische oder eine andere Sprache übersetzen will ... nur zu ... ich würde mich sehr darüber freuen :)) Die Anleitung ist FREEWARE - MAILWARE ============================= Archive contents ============================= Original Packed Name -------- ------- ------------- 1636 858 B& 564118 191559 +Bars& 3321 1890 +Bars& 3600 1264 +ABAEditWindow.iff 5030 1131 +AboutWindow.iff 8310 2376 +Accessorieswindow.iff 898 233 +AccompanyBIcon.iff 1084 645 5772 1429 +AccompanyBWindow.iff 1306 715 4424 1440 +AListBufferwindow.iff 2205 955 720 231 +AListIcon.iff 1167 703 4302 1185 +AListwindow.iff 2336 731 666 194 +AlternatorIcon.iff 956 563 590 205 +ANIMalIcon.iff 8200 2354 +ANIMalWindow.iff 686 173 +ARexxRealTimeInIcon.iff 590 212 +Arpeggi8icon.iff 12672 1664 +Arpeggi8window.iff 528 145 +ArticulatorIcon.iff 1978 847 +ArticulatorWindow.iff 4180 1612 +BigSyswindow.iff 2004 675 +Boundarieswindow.iff 342 119 +BranchOutIcon.iff 2886 827 +ChangeStringOctaves.iff 524 155 +ChordPlayerIcon.iff 2898 1008 +ChordPlayerWindow.iff 3728 1320 +Clipboardwindow.iff 582 171 +CommandPerfIcon.iff 7326 1999 +CommandPerfWindow.iff 2118 831 +ControlChangewindow.iff 4504 908 +Controller.iff 548 268 +Cords.iff 626 194 +CounterPointIcon.iff 7436 1988 +DateiRequester.iff 542 321 +DatenSerial.iff 4794 1100 +DefineCordswindow.iff 11052 3474 +DefinePatchListswindow.iff 3876 1429 +DefineRhythmswindow.iff 4306 1182 +DefineScaleswindow.iff 1200 231 +DelayIcon.iff 1078 475 +DelayWindow.iff 24044 7661 +Demosong.iff 1028 163 +DoctorOfVelocityIcon.iff 1648 699 +DoctorOfVelocityWindow.iff 1104 220 +DrumKeyIcon.iff 2156 806 +DrumKeyWindow.iff 4008 1184 +DrumMapEditWindow.iff 2254 512 +Dynamics.iff 1008 197 +EasyOffIcon.iff 1156 181 +EchoIcon.iff 3326 1373 +EchoWindow.iff 10156 3821 +EditorShowMenu.iff 37602 4518 +editorwindow.iff 592 128 +ElbowIcon.iff 10202 2408 +EnvironmentPrefswindow.iff 1056 227 +EventConverterIcon.iff 8002 2173 +EventConverterWindow.iff 1172 206 +EventFilterIcon.iff 14186 5082 +EventFilterWindow.iff 996 186 +EventScrubberIcon.iff 1064 224 +FeedbackInIcon.iff 1060 187 +FeedbackOutIcon.iff 3060 786 +firstpipeline.iff 1028 175 +FlipIcon.iff 1598 574 +FlipWindow.iff 5090 2004 +gadgets_topofeditor.iff 4208 1305 +gadgets_topofmain.iff 4112 1849 +gadgets_topofMediaMadn.iff 3206 1384 +gadgets_topofSongConstr.iff 2664 1122 +gadgets_topofTempoMap.iff 1120 186 +GeneralMIDIIcon.iff 3724 1303 +GeneralMIDIWindow.iff 590 221 +GLOCKenspielIcon.iff 7560 2107 +GLOCKenspielWindow.iff 1100 205 +GrooveQuantizeIcon.iff 4600 1827 +GrooveQuantizeWindow.iff 9396 2539 +GuitarPlayerChBnkWindow.iff 11928 3363 +GuitarPlayerChBnkWindowEd.iff 912 228 +GuitarPlayerIcon.iff 7316 1753 +GuitarPlayerMainWindow.iff 4908 1767 +GuitarPlayerPlOptWindow.iff 536 163 +HarmonyGeneratorIcon.iff 5088 1271 +HarmonyGeneratorWindow.iff 1062 597 +iconARexx.iff 898 386 +iconBigSys.iff 958 286 +iconFollowTheLeader.iff 1058 450 +iconMMC.iff 1102 424 +iconMTC.iff 1154 385 +iconPIP.iff 5208 2191 +icons_inwindow.iff 1288 550 +iconsMerff.iff 906 321 +iconSmoose.iff 5632 2241 +iconsright.iff 2226 1529 1110 441 +iconSyncPro.iff 1094 476 +iconTrueColors.iff 5196 1488 +Informationwindow.iff 574 193 +InverterIcon.iff 2172 708 +InverterWindow.iff 422 273 +Key&ScaleModes.iff 576 167 +KeyboardSplitIcon.iff 1268 559 +KeyboardSplitWindow.iff 536 186 +KeyFilterIcon.iff 662 233 +KeyFinderIcon.iff 14278 4441 +KeyFinderWindow.iff 576 183 +LastSlideShowIcon.iff 5420 1724 +LastSlideShowWindow.iff 6250 1645 +LedgerLineswindow.iff 552 177 +LegatoIcon.iff 4104 1041 +LegatoWindow.iff 21690 4630 +ListEditwindow.iff 854 450 +LogicalIcon.iff 4250 1038 +LogicalWindow.iff 578 189 +LoopIcon.iff 1556 445 +LoopRecord.iff 3154 1141 +LoopRecordQuestion.iff 3080 861 +LoopSelectSection.iff 4512 1411 +LoopWindow.iff 2562 826 +Lupewindow.iff 618 302 +Lyrics.iff 4466 1213 +Lyricswindow.iff 9846 2362 +MacroToolEd&Tool.iff 1404 867 +MacroToolEd& 7124 1674 +MacroToolEd.iff 54772 9624 +mainscreen.iff 3092 925 +markerstopofmain.iff 15266 3080 +MasterParameterwindow.iff 18770 3026 +MediaMadnessPlayerWindow.iff 51316 4206 +MediaMadnesswindow.iff 8764 1503 +MenzelsMetronom.iff 1777 987 598 170 +MergeIcon.iff 942 515 8250 2614 +Metronomwindow.iff 476 180 +MIDIInIcon.iff 7344 3432 +MIDIInterface.iff 12842 5422 +MIDIInterface4xOut.iff 4278 1757 +MIDIInWindow.iff 2680 1144 +MIDIKabel.iff 500 188 +MIDIOutIcon.iff 3546 1097 +MIDIOutWindow.iff 9388 1526 +MIDIStudioA.iff 16452 3424 +MIDIStudioB.iff 17420 3429 +MIDIStudioB2.iff 14208 2401 +MIDIStudioC.iff 2812 946 +MiniTransportWindow.iff 5978 1697 +MixMaestroContrWindow.iff 28328 3410 +MixMaestrowindow.iff 6432 1319 +MMCwindow.iff 2354 797 +MMRecordwindow.iff 1764 924 578 205 +ModulatorIcon.iff 2196 812 +ModulatorWindow.iff 4850 916 +MonoAftertch.iff 536 187 +NoteFilterIcon.iff 4790 1086 +NoteFilterWindow.iff 568 194 +NotePadIcon.iff 3296 727 +NotePadWindow.iff 6578 1699 +PagePrintOptwindow.iff 5624 1860 +PatternGridWindow.iff 606 204 +PatternIcon.iff 3856 1107 +PatternLupeWindow.iff 15930 3281 +PatternWindow.iff 546 181 +PedalMeddlerIcon.iff 3796 1023 +PedalMeddlerWindow.iff 528 177 +PhraseShaperIcon.iff 4758 664 +PianoRoll.iff 3226 1032 +PianoRollBounds.iff 3630 642 +Pitch.iff 268 100 +PlugIcon.iff 462 178 +PODPeopleIcon.iff 9920 2751 +PODPeopleWindow.iff 2752 432 +PolyAftertch.iff 1704 406 +PopDynamics.iff 1404 151 +PopUpChord1step.iff 3434 700 +PopUpChord2step.iff 828 201 +PopUpChord3step.iff 1950 662 +PopUpMIDIChannel.iff 2514 594 +PopUpNotenwert.iff 2980 1010 +PopUpRhytm.iff 8782 1634 +PrintPreview.iff 6774 2358 +PrintScorewindow.iff 696 272 +Program.iff 4604 1482 +ProgramChangeWindow.iff 530 180 +PunchingBagIcon.iff 2286 1031 +PunchingBagWindow.iff 616 191 +QuantizeIcon.iff 5416 1748 +QuantizeWindow.iff 510 172 +QuickPatchIcon.iff 4974 1615 +QuickPatchWindow.iff 4318 1437 +RecordControlWindow.iff 7282 1018 +RemoteControlwindow.iff 606 187 +RepeatIcon.iff 1592 762 +RepeatWin.iff 1682 557 +Repeatwindow.iff 564 182 +ReverseIcon.iff 436 253 +Rhytm.iff 594 206 +SamplePhoneIcon.iff 6464 1831 +SamplePhoneWindow.iff 556 195 +ScalaIcon.iff 6976 1899 +ScalaWindow.iff 5548 2473 +SelectiveToolizewindow.iff 7576 2301 +SetFlagswindow.iff 580 187 +SforzandoIcon.iff 2526 1007 +SforzandoWindow.iff 5146 1694 +sMerffwindow.iff 4752 1713 +SMoosewindow.iff 12776 2876 +SongConstructionWindow.iff 2948 778 +SongLengthwindow.iff 4538 1565 +SongStartTimeWindow.iff 3080 978 +SongTitelWindow.iff 612 217 +SoundCanvasIcon.iff 4528 1577 +SoundCanvasWindow.iff 2034 682 +StaffCenterWindow.iff 11114 1097 +StaffHybrid.iff 5018 1540 +StaffNotation.iff 592 225 +Stop!Icon.iff 568 172 +SubdividierIcon.iff 1548 661 +SubdividierWindow.iff 574 290 +SysEx.iff 5598 1618 +SysExEditorwindow.iff 3242 754 +Tabulatur.iff 2806 891 +TabulaturPosition.iff 2786 910 +TabulaturResolution.iff 6586 1997 +TempoMapConform.iff 18592 2674 +TempoMapEditor.iff 8876 2503 +TempoMapEditTempoChange.iff 2264 848 +TempoPalettewindow.iff 482 184 +TempoTapIcon.iff 2896 1289 +TempoTapWindow.iff 2846 862 +TimeShift.iff 1040 265 +TimeSignatur.iff 5592 1984 +TimeSignaturewindow.iff 18054 2481 +TimLinScorWindow.iff 3364 1007 +TitelAutorwindow.iff 19666 5539 +Toolboxwindow.iff 2444 856 +ToolTrayWindow.iff 3194 1050 +TrackNameWindow.iff 8232 2908 +TranscriptionsOptwindow.iff 1218 437 +transportTopofmain.iff 6288 2471 +transportwindow.iff 580 194 +TransposeIcon.iff 1968 846 +TransposeWindow.iff 3920 1428 +Transpositionwindow.iff 574 163 +TriadIcon.iff 4890 972 +TriadWindow.iff 586 202 +TriggerIcon.iff 2620 1094 +TriggerWindow.iff 5420 511 +TriplePlayAusgang.iff 576 225 +TriplePlayIcon.iff 6004 1465 +TrueColorswindow.iff 500 155 +UnQuantizeIcon.iff 1492 672 +UnQuantizeWindow.iff 546 212 +UnStickIcon.iff 2866 357 +Velocity.iff 598 213 +VelocityModyfierIcon.iff 5910 1956 +VelocityModyfierWindow.iff 614 208 +VelocitySplitterIcon.iff 1706 830 +VelocitySplitterWindow.iff 582 207 +YakIcon.iff 5962 1383 +YakWindow.iff -------- ------- 1757938 503970 266 files