Short: Module Collection by Krister Fundin Author: (Krister Fundin) Uploader: fundin yahoo com (Krister Fundin) Type: mods/sets Architecture: generic Bones, Fur And Spirits 1. Hello future listener. This is a small set of modules which share a common theme. I guess you could call it an album but it's not, it just seemed silly to release the modules separately when they were so short anyway. 2. Format: All modules were composed using MusicLineEditor. As far as I know they can be played in EaglePlayer, HippoPlayer and I think DeliPlayer will work too. And you can of course play them with the original program. 3. Length: Most of the songs are very short but this is intentional. You're supposed to listen to them over and over and over again until you become stupid. It's in fact a form of meditation. (But it's also an excuse for my not being able to write proper melodies.) 4. Age: There might be som early songs in this archive, back from the time when I didn't know much about making music. They ususally have the chords all messed up but I didn't want to change them later on because I was used to the sound. Please overlook this fact. 5. Samples: Most samples are ripped. Sorry. 6. Theme: The songs in this archive have been bundled up because they have a similar sound which originates from the old Kamelernas Julafton. The theme used to be animals but I abandoned this when I wrote Älvdansen. Most songs are more or less inspired by folk music. 7. Songs: Dead Animal March Dead Animal... Remix Introduction To Various Things Part 3: Bones, Fur And Spirits Kamelernas Julafton (=Christmas Of The Camels) The Duck Älvdansen (=Dance Of The Elves)