Short: Converts ZX Spectrum screens to IFF-ILBM Author: Eduardo Delgado Buitrago Uploader: fmerino hp9000 uva es Eduardo Delgado Buitrago Type: gfx/conv Architecture: m68k-amigaos Long: ------------------------=====================------------------------ Spectrum2IFF v1.02 14 - V - 1993 (c) Eduardo Delgado ------------------------=====================------------------------ This is a little program to convert a normal ZX Spectrum screen file (that's it, a SAVE "name" SCREEN$, or SAVE "name" CODE 16384,6912) into a normal Amiga IFF-ILBM file. PS: If you don't know what a ZX Spectrum is, I'll tell you that it was a model of computer designed by Sir Clive Sinclair a very very very long time ago, in the prehistory of the home computers, when the microprocessors only had 8 bits, when 48 Kb of RAM were more than enough, when the audio tapes were used to store programs instead of floppies, when 16 colors were a bless. That's it, in 1982.