Short: Extracts PNG image from ECC animation Author: (Misha/ECS) Uploader: misha friko2 onet pl (Misha/ECS) Type: gfx/conv Architecture: m68k-amigaos ________.___________________________________________________________________ / \ / -\ EL CONDOR SOFTWARE /-----\ presents / -----\ PNG rip /_________\ Small solotion for small problems with ECC animations --/ _________\------------------------------------------------------------- /__________ \ email: /_______________\ web: .---------------------------. -------------( DESCRIPTION ) `---------------------------' It does two things: it searches for PNG image inside an ECC animation and writes it to another file. Let's say you have ECC animation called anim.ecc. After doing: PNGrip anim.ecc You will also have anim.png which will be the first frame of given animation. .---------------------------. -------------( DISTRIBUTION ) `---------------------------' It's freeware. Eventually if you use it more than twice send me a mail!