Short: Converts a bunch of pictures with ArtEffect Author: Haage & Partner Computer Uploader: m steigerwald haage-partner com (Martin Steigerwald) Type: gfx/arteff Version: 1.6 Requires: ArtEffect 4.0, AWNPipe (comes AWeb and so also AmigaOS3.5) Architecture: generic Distribution: AmiNet This is just a little ARexx script to let you convert complete directories of images from one format to another. It is also a demonstration on how to use AWNPipe-Handler from ARexx to create GUIs. __________________________________________________________________________ HAAGE & PARTNER Computer GmbH A M I G A DEVELOPMENTS Schlossborner Weg 7, 61479 Glashuetten, Germany AmigaOS and PowerPC Fon: +49-6174-96 61 -00 Fax: -01 StormC|ArtEffect|AmigaWriter __________________________________________________________________________ >> INFORMATION: <<