Short: Quake 2 Mod Pack 6 Author: Steffen Haeuser ( Uploader: Steffen Haeuser (tirionareonwe gmail com) Type: game/shoot Requires: AmigaOS 4.1 and Quake 2 for OS4 2024 version Architecture: ppc-amigaos => 4.1 This is the sixth modpack for the new Quake 2 port (2024 version). It only works with the new Quake 2 version, older versions do not run with it as they either do not support Mods or do not support OS4 Native Mods. This pack includes the following Quake 2 Multiplayer Mods: - AirQuake2 - Awaken2 - Battle of the Sexes - Gangsters - Gameleader - Jabot - Multigrenade - Q2Comp - Weapons of Destruction