Short: Utility to make daily backup of changed files. Author: (Chris De Maeyer) Uploader: ceppe pandora be Type: disk/bakup Version: 1.8 Architecture: m68k-amigaos This program can be used to backup changed files. It supports XPK packer for space saving. Together with 'FMirror' it creates a mirror. Features: - CLI program useable in scripts (= QUIET mode) - simulate backup (= NOCOPY mode) - backup one directory or include subdirectories (= ALL mode) - supports pattern matching - XPK compression support (= PACK mode) (needs XPK distribution) - changed files only or full backup (= FORCE mode) - date/time from original file can be preserved (= CLONE mode) - filenotes are copied (or not with NOCOMMENT) - window run mode for information (= GUI mode) - specify configuration file with paths and options (= batch mode) - GUI available via Argue (arguments gui) - select files before/after certain date - 'FMirror' program (= maintain a mirror backup) with GUI mode. Changes to previous versions: MAJOR UPDATE - bugfixes (see doc for details) - no new features, this distribution intended to get some users going ASAP Requirements: - no special requirements if you DO NOT utilize pack mode - needs 'XPK Compression/Decompression' library distribution if using pack mode. Should be a standard OS enhancement for all Amiga's by now ! - GUI options via Argue. Major benefits: - small(ish) - quick (quickest in CLI mode [use QUIET]) - MAILWARE Future: - do you want DOCS in AmigaGuide ? Then tell me so... Other products: Announcement !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EZQuake V1.0.0 is out ! It is a Quake launcher... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Available on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to all people sending SNAIL-MAIL, you keep the ball rolling...