Short: Compare, list, and edit differences of two text files. (pal/ntsc) Type: dev/misc Version: 1.01 Replaces: dev/misc/samediff* Architecture: m68k-amigaos Same Difference Copyright 1996/7 by Steven Goodwin Short Description: A program to compare and list differences between two text files. This version allows saving, and is NTSC compliant! Shows both files, side by side, in a scrolling list with each of the differences hightlighted in different colours. These changes can be editted by the line, or block (i.e. a sequence of consecutive lines that are all different). You can: * Replace * Insert * Append * Clear or just edit the text directly yourself. De-archiving: lha x SameDiff.lha This will create a directory (named 'SameDiff') and de-archive the following files into it: Same Difference Same AWE Information AWE Manual Example1a.asc Example1b.asc ppmore If any of the files mentioned above are not included, then delete this archive and request a complete one. If a text file fails to appear, make sure you have 'locale.library' in libs: and the 'ppmore' file is in your path (preferably in c:).