Short: Version Control System Author: Linus Torvalds, MorphOS port by Filip "widelec" Maryjanski Uploader: polluks+aminet sdf lonestar org (Stefan Haubenthal) Type: dev/misc Version: 2.16.2 Architecture: ppc-morphos URL: Port of famous version control system Git for MorphOS. For installation please use "install" script (or directly use tar) to be sure all symbolic links are created correctly. After that you may need to set your timezone in GIT_TIMEZONE_OFFSET environment variable to the number of seconds between your timezone and GMT. You can do this by running in CLI command: SetEnv SAVE GIT_TIMEZONE_OFFSET 3600 (example for polish "winter time"). If you encounter any ssl related errors, please make sure you have installed valid certificates in gg:ssl/certs. If you have EDITOR environment variable set to some editor ported from *nix world, you may want to set variable GIT_EDITOR_IXPATHS. This will turn off paths conversions from *nix paths to MorphOS paths. Install script icon by Patrick JUNG alias Patbest. What do you need: ---------------- - any computer with MorphOS 3.9 running on; - MorphOS SDK (20160605).