Short: Low-level core library Author: see AUTHORS Uploader: megacz usa com Type: dev/lib Version: 2.4.4 Replaces: dev/lib/glib-2.4.4-bin-m68k.lha Requires: 68000+/OS 2.04+/ixemul 48+ Architecture: m68k-amigaos glib-2.4.4 ----------- This is GLib version 2.4.4. GLib is the low-level core library that forms the basis for projects such as GTK+ and GNOME. It provides data structure handling for C, portability wrappers, and interfaces for such runtime functionality as an event loop, threads, dynamic loading, and an object system. --- WARNING: THIS LIBRARY IS NOT FULLY FUNCTIONAL ON AMIGA, USE WITH CARE!!! --- NEWS: [19-11-2007] - 'usr/local/lib/glib-2.0/include/glibconfig.h' was missing, lack of this file makes unable to compile anything 'glib' dependant, sorry! --- NOTES: - 'wchar_t' in 'libc' is incomplete so the 'gnulib' library has kinda cropped 'vasnprintf()', but this should not be a problem('config.h' > /* #define HAVE_WCHAR_T 1 */). - 6 of 33 'glib' tests failed, these were: mainloop-test, module-test, spawn-test, strtod-test, thread-test, threadpool-test ; unfortunately 'gthread' and 'glib' internal threads dont work(perhaps 'pthreads' fault), tests 1,5,6 - decided to recompile without threads. ; no way to load modules, test 2 - unsupported on Amiga. ; all the functions that do convert strings to a numeric values and vice versa, dont work, test 4 - fuck them, as they are being used very seldomly. ; spawning doesnt work, coz of fork(), but it doesnt even work with ix_vfork(), ix_vfork_resume(), test 3 - problems with pipes. - 'gobject' passed all 7 tests. - note that 'bin/glib-genmarshal' requires 'libiconv.ixlibrary', you will be needing 'iconv' anyway. - there is no shared(ixlibrary) version of this library, coz: ; a) there might be updates and *.ixlibrary model is somewhat limited - programs require relinking to fit new fixed func. positions. ; b) not all functions in this library depend on each other, so programs need not to be big if some project uses single functions. - in 'cropped/', you will find a version that does not require 'iconv' at linking time, might be useful for low memory systems or might be a great replacement saving ~800 kilos of memory. ---