Short: New language experiment (balrog Soft) Author: Pedro Gil (Balrog Soft) Uploader: Pedro Gil (Balrog Soft) balrog teleline es Type: dev/lang Architecture: m68k-amigaos LSL Compiler version 0.001ß This is a litle program that compile a simple language with 6 commands I want to make a new Basic Language, and this is and example. PROGRAM means the name of the compiled program VAR c: INTEGER means define a variable c such as integer BEGIN means the start of the program c=4 puts 4 the variable WRITELN c means write the variable c END end of the program This is the example: PROGRAM PruebaLSL VAR c: INTEGER BEGIN c=4 WRITELN c END How to use: Write in CLI this: LSLComp example.lsl And a litle program call PruebaLSL will be created. If you are interesting in this program write to WWW: