Short: improved Whois client Author: see AUTHORS inside the archive Uploader: megacz usa com Type: dev/gg Version: 3.2.3 Requires: 68020+/os2.04/ixemul48+/ixnet48+ Architecture: m68k-amigaos jwhois- 3.2.3 ------------- This is jwhois, an improved Whois client capable of selecting Whois server to query based on a flexible configuration file using either regular expressions or CIDR blocks. --- NOTES: - uses around 5000 bytes of stack, but 'ixemul' needs 20000 bytes to start without quirks. - requires 68020+, 256 kilos of memory, ixemul48+, ixnet48+, any 'AmiTCP' compatible TCP/IP stack and 'assign usr: usr/' or better permanent 'usr:' in your system if you dont have 'gg:usr'. --- QUICK START: cd jwhois-3.2.3-bin-m68k assign usr: usr/ add stack 20000 bin/jwhois [OPTIONS] [QUERY] --- catch me at: