Short: Allocate EStrings into memory pools Author: Matteo Cavalleri 2.335/633.19@fidonet Uploader: paolob mbox queen it Type: dev/e Requires: amigalib/mempools.m Architecture: m68k-amigaos poolStrings 1.0 *************** This module can allocate an estring into a memory pool. two functions are provided: string:=poolString(strmax, pool) - allocate an estring of 'strmax' length into the 'pool' memory pool (it's safe to pass null values for the arguments. like the original function you MUST check 'string' against NIL) poolDisposeLink(string, pool) - deallocate a previously allocated string. you must pass the correct pair of 'string' and 'pool' (It's safe to pass null values) After you have allocated a string with poolString() you can use it as a normal estring (look at the example source). There are just two limitations: * If you want to deallocate a string allocated with poolString() you MUST use poolDisposelink(), and you cannot use poolDisposelink() on a string allocated with String() * You cannot link strings that are in different memory pools or strings allocated with poolString() with strings allocated with String(). The module 'poolString.m' requires the mempools.m module (that must be placed in emodules:amigalib). Since I've found no copyrigth notice about that module I placed it in this archive. In any case the original archive can be found on aminet as dev/e/pools_m.lha 'poolStringV39' uses directly the V39 exec function, so you don't need the mempools module, but you can run it only on V39 amigas This module is Public Domain For any suggestion you can write to: Matteo Cavalleri 2:335/633.19@fidonet 39:102/16.19@amiganet