Short: WLA DX - Cross Macro Assembler Package Author: Ville Helin & People at GitHub Uploader: ville helin gmail com (Ville Helin) Type: dev/cross Version: 10.6 Replaces: dev/cross/wla_dx_v10.5.lha Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 2.0.4 Distribution: Aminet WLA DX - Yet Another GB-Z80/Z80/Z80N/6502/65C02/65CE02/65816/68000/6800/6801/ 6809/8008/8080/HUC6280/SPC-700/SuperFX Multi Platform Cross Macro Assembler Package Included in this release are executables for 68000, 68020 and 68040, compiled using SAS/C v6.58. The full sources are also inside the archive. For the latest sources: CHANGELOG: Assemblers: v10.6 (19-Nov-2023) [ALL] Conditions (e.g., "(A > 1 || B < 3)") can now be used everywhere, outside .IFs. [ALL] It's not any more possible to create labels and definitions called "_b" and "_f" as they are reserved names. [ALL] A definition and a label cannot any more share the same name inside a source file for the sake of clarity. [ALL] Added -MP for generating phony targets with -M. [ALL] Added -MF for specifying a file to write the dependencies to with -M. [ALL] Added -c for continuing parsing after encountering an unknown symbol or a mistyped instruction. [ALL] Added -w for disallowing labels without a colon terminator. [ALL] Added FILTERSIZE and FREADSIZE to .INCBIN. [ALL] Namespace was added in some instances to a local label. [ALL] Removed namespace propagation to unnamespaced .MACROs. [ALL] Labels generated by a .MACRO inside an .INCLUDEd and namespaced file have now namespace added to them. [ALL] Added .WHILE. [ALL] Added .CONTINUE and .BREAK that work with .REPEAT/.REPT/.WHILE. [ALL] Changed tmpfile creation on WIN32. [ALL] It's now possible to put multiple instructions on the the same line by separating them with " " (whitespace here is important). [ALL] WLA would crash calculating A-B if A was function(L) where L is a label. [ALL] .STRINGMAPTABLE uses now .INCDIR. [ALL] .STRINGMAP and .STRINGMAPTABLE handle now special characters like "n" properly. [ALL] WLA assembles now "WLAl" object files. [ALL] The assembler has now a limited ability to find the address of a label if the label is outside .SECTIONs or inside FORCE and OVERWRITE .SECTIONs and the label is defined lexically before it is referenced. [ALL] Added -p (and -SX and -SY) for pausing the assembler after a screen full of text has been printed to output. [Z80] Added BASEADDRESS to .SMSHEADER. [Z8N] Added support for Z80N. Linker: v5.21 (19-Nov-2023) WLALINK writes now version 3 WLA symbol files. Symbol files created with -S contain now [sections] and [ramsections] and "wlasymbol true" under [information]. If -d is used we don't give a .SECTION discarded message for .SECTIONs that were APPENDTO other .SECTIONs. Added -p (and -SX and -SY) for pausing the linker after a screen full of text has been printed to output.