Short: Blitz Source code for Erase Author: Uploader: paull thenet co uk (Paul Lathwell) Type: dev/blitz Architecture: m68k-amigaos OVERVIEW Blitz Source code distribution for Erase - a simple file deletion utility. Just a simple program to open a requester for deleting files, rather than having to resort to a directory utility, cli or using the Workbench delete menus. I really wrote this program for two reasons... 1. So my brother could delete files he had created in Wordworth without having to resort to learning the use of Directory Opus etc. which also means he is unlikely to delete any of my files! 2. As a test program to use the reqtools library requester using the commands available in the 'neilsreqtoolslib' library. USAGE Erase is best used by adding it to your Workbench menus using a program such as Toolsdaemon. There are two tooltype that may be set... PATH - This sets the default directory the file requester opens when Erase is run. Intially set to - Sys: PATTERN - The pattern used by the requester. Initally set to - #? Just run Erase and select the files you want to delete. Hold down the shift key to select multiple files. Just click on 'Okay' when you've selected the required files - job done. :-) This program and source may be freely distrubuted, providing the contents of the archive remain unchanged. Erase and it's source code is provided 'as is' and without warranty. You use this program entirely at your own risk!