Short: Example of using CIA interrupts in Blitz Author: (Anton Reinauer) Uploader: anton ww co nz (Anton Reinauer) Type: dev/blitz Version: 1.0 Requires: Blitz Basic2 Architecture: m68k-amigaos The Amiga has two CIA (complex interface adaptor) chips- CIA-A, and CIA-B. This code can access either of the 2 general purpose Timers on these chips. These timers can execute a section of code a set number of times a second (you can change how many times a second they fire), independant of your main code. This code is based on the CIA_Interval.c code on the developer CD. You can set up a variable from your main program to be updated by the Timer, or maybe set the interrupt to signal your main task after a set period of time. The CIA resource is a system legal way of allocating the timers, so your program can check if a timer is being used by another task, if it isn't then it can allocate it for itself.