Short: circle with no sines Author: Pawel Niejadlik - Laffik of Dreamolers CAPS Uploader: laffik laffik com Type: dev/amos Version: Architecture: generic Distribution: Aminet New civilisation has happen - invoked by the discovery of a circle drawn with no trigonometric functions. Program draws a circle using Euler method of solving differential equations. Program sets initial conditions of velocity for x coordinate and position fory. Simulates spring resilience setting acceleration of a drawing point. In case of x's initial conditions, method draws sine and cosine in case of initial conditions of y. Constants required for drawing the circle proportionally, were gained of empiric methods of linear approximation in double logarythmic scale. There these constants become linear and supereasy for approximating. Circle gets of shape a bit, for amount of steps of iteration close to 1. Upper limit of steps is set by precision of calculations. For not sufficient precision of calculations at superhigh amounts of steps, program falls into multiple drawing, limited by accidental fall into full cycle's detection. Computer arythmetic's low precision reduces probability of proper detection of finished drawing. Keep amount of steps below 1.000.000 for usual Amos precision. Similar algorythm was presented in early 90's in Polish magazine Amigowiec. I didn't recall it good enough to write it today, much enough it had been coming to my mind while reading control theory, filter design, numeric methods of maths and differential equations scripts. Basing on these, I reproduiced this original solution nowadays.