Short: LAN Chat program - Oratory Amiga - GOOD! Author: (Magnus Rivertz Torgersen) Uploader: mag_torg hig no (Magnus Rivertz Torgersen) Type: comm/net Architecture: m68k-amigaos This is probably the best Chat program available for computers connected on a LAN with other Amiga's or PC's. No server is needed, and you have a lot of the posibilities that IRC have. It's only ment for use on LAN'S, and will NOT work through the internet. This is the amiga version of Oratory 98 1.00.26 for win95/98 Nice GUI! ;) For more information, check out the homepage of Amitory If you have any questions, please let me know. Now in the first steps, I would also like to know if you have made it work at all, but that shouldn't be a problem -I hope.... Magnus R Torgersen e-mail: ICQ: 28307453