Short: Search and display online radio stations Author: (Marcin Spoczynski) Uploader: marcin spoczynski com (Marcin Spoczynski) Type: comm/misc Version: 0.3 (beta release) Replaces: comm/misc/TuneFinder.lha Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 3.1 Distribution: Aminet Description: TuneFinder enables users to search and display online radio stations with various filter options, including country, codec, tags stream filters. Results are displayed in a list with detailed station information, and the app includes options to save selections as either a complete playlist or individual station files. Main features: - GUI with filterable search - PLS playlist compatible with AmigaAMP for seamless playback - Options to save results as a PLS playlist or individual station files for compatible media players - Native AmigaOS GUI interface ADDING NEW COUNTRIES ------------------- To add new countries to TuneFinder: 1. Navigate to "ENVARC:TuneFinder/countries.cfg" 2. Edit the file with any text editor 3. Add each country on a new line using format: CODE:Name For example: PL:Poland US:United States GB:United Kingdom SE:Sweden NO:Norway DK:Denmark The code must be a 2-letter country code according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard. Changes will take effect after restarting TuneFinder. Default entries will be created automatically if the file doesn't exist. Release 0.2 (beta release) - Fixed bsdsocket.library handling in UAE, which doesn't support timeouts. - Added configuration for API host. - Source code released on TuneFinder 0.3 (03.11.2024) New features: - Add user-configurable country list via ENVARC:config/countries.cfg - Add auto generation of station name for single station entry - Add better menu support with Settings, About and Quit options Fixes: - Fix GUI stability issues on different Amiga systems - Fix window initialization for AmigaOS 3.0 - Improve menu handling and visibility - Add proper cleanup of GUI resources - Add better error handling and debugging messages