Short: Amiga port of BitchX (console only) Uploader: trebs ihug com au (Michael Trebilcock) Type: comm/irc Version: 1.0c18 Requires: ixemul.library and ixnet.library 48+ Architecture: m68k-amigaos Compiled without TCL support.. How to install Amiga BitchX =========================== --- To Install --- 1. Unpack BitchX-BIN.lha 2. Open a Shell/CLI window 3. Assign GG: to the GG directory 4. Assign USR: to the GG directory 5. Copy contents of the Fonts directory to FONTS: 6. Edit RunBitchX (very simple) 7. Go into GG:local/bin 8. Type chmod -x -R /GG/local/lib -- To Run BitchX --- 9. Type SShell C 8 10. Type C:Execute RunBitchX When connected, type /bind meta39_character Then type /load bind.irc Type /help and /about for more info